Celebrating Our 2023 Graduates

从他们在RWU期间的杰出学术和课外成就到他们的后罗杰计划, RWU is very proud to celebrate our 2023 graduates. 在这些故事中,听听RWU的教育如何塑造了他们的未来.

By Melanie Thibeault
Students sitting during the main Commencement ceremony

A headshot of Isaiah Braithwaite

S. Isaiah Braithwaite ’23, a Marketing major and Cultural Studies minor, 为全球广告公司Wieden+Kennedy, known for its work with Nike, in their New York office.

Internship, Leadership Roles Prepare Graduate Student for Clinical Therapist Position

Kelice Agosto

Kelice Agosto M’23, who will graduate with an M.A. in Forensic Mental Health Counseling, 在布里奇沃特的马萨诸塞州治疗中心获得了临床治疗师的职位, Mass.


Sarah Murray

Sarah Murray ’23, 在网赌的十大网站主修医疗管理,同时辅修公共管理和社区发展, 在罗德岛的蓝十字蓝盾公司开始了一份商业规划分析师的新工作.  


Santiago Armas

Santiago Armas ’23, 工程专业,电气专业,第一代学生, 将担任雷神导弹公司的海上动力和电子系统电气工程师 & Defense in Portsmouth, R.I.  


Teagan Bellitto

Teagan Bellitto ’23, 海洋生物学和环境化学双学位,辅修可持续发展研究, will attend Texas A&M University for a Ph.D. in Chemical Oceanography. 


Jacquelyn Beaulieu

Jacquelyn Beaulieu ’23, a Finance and Accounting double major, has accepted a position as an audit accountant for RSM US LLP, part of a global network of independent audit, tax, and consulting firms, in their Boston office.  


Parker Schwartz

Parker Schwartz ’23, a Secondary Education and English Literature double major, 在迪斯尼大学项目工作一学期后,你会追求高中教师的职业吗.  


Yulyana Torres

23岁的Yulyana Torres将在RWU法学院工作,担任新的招生副主任.  

Exploring Criminal Justice Paths Helped Ph.D.-Bound Grad Find Passion for Research

Jacob Balzarini

Jacob Balzarini ’22, M’23, who is graduating from the Criminal Justice 4+1 Master’s Program, plans to pursue his Ph.D. in Criminology.   


Alyssa Foerster

Alyssa Foerster ’23, 建筑管理专业,辅修商业和可持续发展研究, 你会参加波士顿肖穆特建筑设计学院的建筑管理技能培训项目吗.  


Sophie Speliopoulos

Sophie Speliopoulos ’23, 平面设计,传播学,市场营销和美国手语双修, 去年12月,她完成了学业,并在普利茅斯的3thought担任平面设计师/制作艺术家, Mass.  

Studio Time Prepares Architecture Grad for Hensel Phelps Position

Bodie Ibrahim

Bodie Ibrahim ’23, an Architecture major who minored in Photography and Digital Media, has accepted a job as a field engineer for Hensel Phelps.  

Graduate School-Bound Veteran Finds Support and Success at Roger

Joshua Gallardo

Joshua Gallardo ’23, a Psychology major and Philosophy minor, 将在威廉詹姆斯学院攻读临床心理健康咨询硕士学位,主修军事和退伍军人心理学. 

Computer Science Grad Will Work at Fidelity as Mobile Engineer

Rachel Piraino

Rachel Piraino ’23, a Computer Science major with minors in Marketing and Mathematics, 将参加富达投资公司(Fidelity Investment)的LEAP职业发展计划,完成后将作为公司在梅里马克的全职移动工程师工作, N.H.   


Emma Morin

Emma Morin ’23, a Forensic Science major and Criminal Justice minor, will attend Boston University for its M.S. in Biomedical Forensic Sciences program.

Connections with RWU Law Sets Double Major Up for Success

Evan Melo

Evan Melo ’23, a Legal Studies and Political Science double major, will attend George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C.  


Olivia Agoros

Olivia Agoros ’23, an Elementary Education major, 她会继续在罗杰威廉姆斯大学攻读4+1特殊教育硕士课程吗.  


Audrey Corcoran

Audrey Corcoran ’23, 你主修建筑管理,辅修工商管理和视觉艺术, 将在牛顿的伊莱恩建筑公司担任助理项目经理, Mass.  

Biology Student Lands Full-time Job in RWU Professor’s Lab

Samantha Soares

Samantha Soares ’23, a Biology major with minors in Psychology and Criminal Justice, 将在RWU心理学助理教授维多利亚·海默-麦克金的神经科学实验室担任研究技术员和实验室经理.